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Rosa Casado is an artist who stages soundscapes and human migrations with the aim of discovering new plans of perception. The works of this independent Spanish actress and choreographer move along two basic lines: the rewriting of reality through de-contextualized everyday actions - to explore new ways of "thinking" and of "doing"; and the development of interdisciplinary spaces - to promote and spread contemporary art. Her collaboration with English visual artist Mike Brookes resulted in the show Paradise 2 the incessant sound of a fallen tree. This work is part of a project entitled Strange Paradises, which features artists and professionals from different disciplines. Paradise 2 the incessant sound of a fallen tree is the title of a performance involving just one artist on stage, namely Rosa Casado, who reflects on the ideas of tourism and migration, describing their mutual interactions, differences, and on how the world of tourism overlaps with that of migration and vice versa. For this show the performer took inspiration from her own travel experience in Mali, juxtaposing it to one man's - Mr. Boyé's - migration from Senegal to Spain. The piece unfolds around a chocolate island and around three main actions: while Rosa Casado defines, in pseudo-scientific terms, some notions linked to human displacement, she simultaneously draws a picture of the solar system on the performance floor, to contextualize the travels she describes. At the same time, the chocolate island is gradually eaten up, symbolizing today's global, deep changes.

Rosa Casado was born in Spain, where she lives and works. In 1975 she began studying dance at the Royal Academy in London, and in 1992 she began her education as an actress, first in Spain, then Italy, then in Denmark - at the Nordisk Teater Laboratorium/Odin Teatret, and in Norway, at the Studium Actoris. She was involved in several research projects and stage productions in Holland, Italy, Sweden, Spain, and the US. In 1998 she began her experience as a performer, with a montage entitled Jo-O. Subsequently, she collaborated with Welsh director Jill Greenhalgh and English visual artist Mike Brookes, working on several projects with both of them. In 2003 she moved to Peroblasco (west of Madrid) where she is working on her project "The Butter House", a residential creation space for artists.

Supported by: Magdalena Project & T.A.T.
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